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Case Study: DrCare

July 13, 2023

DrCare Int.

Creative Direction | Campaign Management | Video Production | Web Design | Graphic Design

Case Study: DrCare, Los Angeles Media Factory
Case Study: DrCare, Los Angeles Media Factory
Case Study: DrCare, Los Angeles Media Factory
Case Study: DrCare, Los Angeles Media Factory
Case Study: DrCare, Los Angeles Media Factory


DrCare, previously limited to Vietnam, sought to expand into the US market with revolutionary products. Recognizing the need to target a high-end audience, we devised a comprehensive branding strategy to elevate their presence and appeal to affluent consumers.

Our Services

Case Study: DrCare, Los Angeles Media Factory

Walkthrough Content

Walkthrough content immerses audiences, fostering engagement and memorable brand experiences.

Case Study: DrCare, Los Angeles Media Factory

CTA Creation

CTA creation prompts action, converting passive viewers into active participants, driving desired outcomes.

Case Study: DrCare, Los Angeles Media Factory

Attractive Website

An attractive website captivates visitors, leaving a lasting impression and fostering brand credibility.

Case Study: DrCare, Los Angeles Media Factory

Product Features Videos

Product features videos showcase the value and functionality, helping customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Case Study: DrCare, Los Angeles Media Factory

Lifestyle Product Photography

Lifestyle product photography captures the essence of your brand, evoking emotions and inspiring customers to embrace your products.

Case Study: DrCare, Los Angeles Media Factory

High Quality Testimonials

High-quality testimonials build trust, providing social proof and compelling narratives that resonate with potential customers.

About the company


DrCare was already an established and successful brand in the Far East. However, when the company decided to expand into the Western market, they recognized the need for a tailored approach. While their existing branding strategy worked well in the Far East, it was evident that a different approach was required to resonate with Western audiences.

Understanding the unique cultural nuances and consumer preferences in the West, we collaborated closely with DrCare’s team to develop a fresh branding strategy. By conducting thorough market research and consumer insights, we crafted a new brand identity and messaging that would appeal to Western customers.


The results were transformative. DrCare’s strong brand foundation, combined with the localized branding strategy, helped them make a powerful entrance into the Western market. The brand resonated with consumers, resulting in a significant increase in demand for their high-quality massage chairs. The success in the Western market further solidified DrCare’s position as a global brand and expanded their customer base to new horizons.

This case study highlights the importance of adapting branding strategies to specific target markets. By understanding the cultural nuances and preferences of a new market, businesses can position themselves for success and unlock new growth opportunities.